I had the good fortune to attend the feast at Elling House in December - what a magical affair it was! A real taste of history in a magically decorated setting with an incomparable feast of food and conversation.
Marilyn Bowe, Fairbanks, AK
The Chautauqua is one of the most welcoming and inspiring gatherings I’ve experienced for a long time. All ages and levels of artistic experience and such a variety of music, poetry with this spirit of fun and supportive sharing will bring me back to the Chautauqua again.
Lisa Beardsley, Virginia City, MT
Thank you very much for all your over-the-top efforts to make this art show a success. You really have blessed me. Good job!
Jayre Leech, Cameron, MT
Sadly, I will not be able to attend the Splendid Feast as I will be traveling that weekend. I would like to contribute the price of the Feast as a donation. Keep up the fine work you are doing.
Marilyn Ross, Twin Bridges, MT
I just wanted to drop a note to thank you for the wonderful dinner – everything was so beautiful, from the luminaries – to the lights outside – then to the beautifully decorated interior. GREAT job! And please thank the crew as everyone’s talent really showed through. Have a Merry Christmas.
Kim Miller, Virginia City, MT
This donation is given with heartfelt support for your work! It’s in the name of Mary and Doug Lloyd (we give donations in each other’s names for Xmas) and in honor of my father, Tom.
Cathy Sargent, Northampton, MA
Please accept this small sum that I extend to you, and all who are involved with the Elling House. The combined contribution of your beautiful old house, along with the Chautauqua and other events are truly treasured. Because of health issues, I am not able to attend many events, but truly appreciate the ones I have. The atmosphere is most welcoming and sincere; the talent – full of spirit! Keep up the great work.
Wendy Schmeisser, Dillon, MT
Thank you for sending me the copy of the scans and Power Point of the Hilton Leech show. I am thoroughly enjoying it. The color comes through strong and rich. Many of the works I had not seen before. Also, I want to say, again, how much I enjoyed the afternoon at the Elling House when the show was hanging. I appreciated being able to be there with my books and loved meeting old friends and new. It’s great to see how good the Elling House is looking these days. I wish all of you at the Arts & Humanities Center much success and happiness.
Katherine Lollar Rowland, Lebanon, OH
Thank you for sponsoring Henry Real Bird’s presentation at the Alder School. The students very much enjoyed his stories, poetry and songs. We appreciate you making it possible for him to visit our school.
Alder School, Alder, MT
This place is a piece of magic. An amazing place to stay with its gothic windows and charming host - but also a wonderful venue for any event. We were saved from having ours in the rain, but instead enjoyed historic charm and warmth. It was an amazing place before its patrons rescued it - but it is growing into a true treasure. I hope to visit many more times in my life! I am so very, very grateful to have been brought back to this house.
Colleen Owen, Kalispell, MT